Sara Russo

165 6 Acknowledgements Alienke, your companionship at the start of my PhD journey was truly invaluable. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and being a wonderful friend; I’m delighted you’re back in Groningen, and let’s catch up more often! Alex, your support for the “Tuesday salads” was fantastic. May the future bring you and Monique much happiness. Janine, facing challenges together and planning lab outings have been a joy. Best of luck in all your future endeavors! Ali, your unwavering positivity is inspiring. Wishing you and your family the very best. Baubek, your dynamism is impressive. I’m confident you’ll achieve all your goals. Thanks for keeping the “old guard” in touch. Ola, your kindness and cheerful personality have brightened many lab days; thank you. Bas, it was a pleasure being colleagues, and I’m glad we still cross paths in Assen. To the incredible members of the Molecular Pharmacology group, I’m deeply grateful for your company, constant support, and collaborative spirit over the years. Being part of this group transformed my PhD journey, and I’ll forever appreciate your warm welcome. Martina, our “editor-in-chief,” thank you for embracing me into the MF family and making me part of an amazing team. Your thoughtful gestures, from card notes to flowers, meant a lot. Amalia, your kindness and interest in my project were truly appreciated; collaborating with you was a pleasure. Reinoud, not only do I admire your work, but the karaoke nights were a blast, thanks for joining! Marina, your help inside and outside the hood made a difference. Sharing an office with you was a pleasure, and your welcoming smile brightened my days. Rocio, your creativity shines in everything you do; I’m thrilled that we got to spend time together during your first visit in Groningen and that now we have more occasions to meet! Luke, thank you for the fun times at the department, gossiping with you has no contenders! AnaLau, I am really happy that you joined the department and we could spend some time together, our shared birthday is a memory I’ll cherish. Tinting, thank you for always greeting me with a hug and a smile, and thank you for introducing me to hot pot, I am now obsessed. To my lovely office mates, Dan, Rosa, Shanshan, Alejandro, Nad’ka, thank you for welcoming me in the office and making it the best working space, I dearly miss our potluck lunches. Dan, I am so happy that I got to share my daily life with you, you are not only a very dedicated scientist but also a very kind and smart friend. I miss our chats and I wish you all the best. Rosa, it was a pleasure to share the office with you, but even more to share the experience of traveling to Iceland and looking not only for whales but also northern lights, and succeeding both times! I wish you all the best in Canada. Shanshan, thank you for all your help and kindness, you were missed when you left the group.