Sara Russo

166 Appendix To all the other PhD students in the department, Melody, Yang, Hong, Luis, Leshan, and Shilei, I wish best of luck and to enjoy your PhD. Even if not part of the group anymore I would like to thank Marina TL and Angelica, for their lab help and, more importantly, for the enjoyable chats over wine, salsa dances, and sewing evenings. I would like to express my gratitute also to Asmaa, thank you for not only teaching me how to use the Seahorse but for the enjoyable chats while doing so. I want to express my gratitude to my fellow PROMINENT PhDs, Frederik, Anna, Sok Cin, Faizan, Sara, Vicente, Noura, Zaid, Vika, Idil, Sonia, Karla, Angelina, Martina, and Sajad, for sharing this incredible journey with me. Facing challenges, exchanging tips, and sharing countless laughs with 15 fellow arrivals in Groningen created a unique bond. Wishing each of you a bright and joyful future. Angelina, our shared moments from PROMINENT events to parties and chats on the fourth floor have been wonderful. Your dedication, talents, and big heart make you an incredible woman. Zaid, thank you for being a fantastic office mate, always up for a chat and a laugh. Wishing you and your family happiness. Special thanks to Sieta for guiding us every step of the way with a kind smile and encouraging word. To my new ICON colleagues, your encouragement and support during this last year have meant a lot. A special shoutout to Riejanne, Wikke, Anienke, and Alfredo. Thanks to the “Mice ladies”, Martina, Vika, Esther, Lysbeth, Karla, and Sonia, for the ladies’ weekends, brunches, and anything involving food! Your laughter and deep conversations, along with making me part of your growing families, have been a true joy. Martins, we have shared so much over the years that I am not sure where to start, I guess just by saying thank you for your friendship, thank you for being the organizer of the group, and including me in many of your hobbies (I hope we will get back to pottery at some point!), thank you for sharing your culinary talents, and thank you for the continues life advices. I look forward to see what the future will bring. Karlita, I admire your dedication to everything that you do in life, I wish I had a tenth of your energy! Thank you for the good chats, for trusting me with your furry babies, and for welcoming us all in your house from day one. I am sure you will achieve great things. To the friends that made my days in Groningen better, Tiago, Luis, Sio, Prajit, Kim, Ligia, Takuya, Kim, and Erika, thank you for the constant support, the fun nights and countless brunches. To my Mexican crew, our trip has created a bond that I hope will not break, I cherish you all deeply. Carli, your energy is an unending ball