Sara Russo

97 3 Responses of alveolar-like macrophages to lysine deacetylase inhibition Protein Corrected p value Fold change MS275+LPS vs LPS Median LPS (Log2 Intensity) Median MS275+LPS (Log2 Intensity) MAP7 domain-containing protein 1 0.007 0.65 17.08 16.26 Nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein 0.006 0.65 19.17 18.38 Ribonuclease H2 subunit C 0.022 0.65 14.76 14.02 Glutaredoxin-3 0.000369 0.65 17.05 16.41 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim10 B 0.038 0.65 16.43 15.67 MKI67 FHA domain-interacting nucleolar phosphoprotein 0.018 0.66 17.21 16.33 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 1 0.036 0.66 18.09 17.6 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor SYF2 0.038 0.66 15.15 14.66 DnaJ homolog subfamily B member 1 0.009 0.66 17.13 16.47 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4H 0.022 0.66 19.72 19.11 Epididymis-specific alphamannosidase 0.004 0.67 15.36 14.96 Transcription elongation factor SPT5 0.039 0.67 17.76 17.27 Cellular nucleic acid-binding protein 0.048 0.67 18.7 17.91 Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 0.014 0.67 16.94 16.44 Zinc finger protein 593 0.043 0.67 16.88 16.27 DNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC1 0.015 0.68 18.98 18.22 Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 0.047 0.68 20.1 19.72 Poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60 0.009 0.68 19 18.44 Protein FAM76B 0.038 0.68 14.62 14.11 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim8 A 0.043 0.68 20.38 19.62 Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 2 0.044 0.69 19.82 19.17 Aminoacylase-1 0.017 0.69 16.22 15.81