Max Osborne

121 4.2 Longitudinal study of use of ADHEAR Table 1 demonstrates the current age distribution of fitted children and the figures of continued usage. 29 (35.4%) had an acquired conductive hearing loss vs 53 (64.6%) with a congenital conductive hearing loss. Table 2 demonstrates the aetiology of the conductive hearing loss which was most commonly atresia/microtia effecting 25 (30.4%) of children. 14.6% (12) children had not had any previous hearing aid experience. All other children had previous experience with other devices including bone conduction headband solutions 51 (62.1%), BC hardband 13 (15.8%), behind the ear aid 3, ‘Adjoin’ 2 and spectacle aid 1. Table 1. Total number of patients fitted at each age, number of patients no longer using adhesive aid in each age group. Number not using any aid, and alternative aid provided in each age group. Current Age Fitted N Non-users N No Aid Alternative aid chosen Continued use % 4 2 0 100 6 3 0 100 6 5 0 100 7 5 1 1 80 8 6 0 100 9 7 1 1 BAHI 85.7 10 8 2 1 1 BAHI 75.0 11 7 1 1 85.7 12 4 2 1 1 SA 50.0 13 11 1 1 SA 90.9 14 7 0 100.0 15 5 0 100.0 16 8 1 1 87.5 17+ Adult 4 1 1 BAHI 75.0 Total 82 10 5 5 87.8 BAHI -Bone anchored hearing implantation, SA - Spectacle aid.