Max Osborne

166 Chapter 7 Improving the quality of assessment and management of nasal trauma in a major trauma centre (MTC): Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Khajuria A, Osborne MS, McClleland L, Ghosh S. BMJ Open Qual. 2019;8(4):e000632. PMID: 31803851 Neck Swelling and Enlarged Tonsils Gill C, Osborne MS, McCelland L BMJ 2019 Jul 25; 366:l4361 PMID: 31345837 Will Children Ever Learn? Removal of Nasal Foreign Bodies: A Study of Hospital Episode Statistics. Morris S, Osborne MS, McDermott AL Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2018 Jul 3:1-3. PMID 29968507 Head and Neck Anatomy: Impact of Focussed Near-Peer Teaching on Anatomical Confidence in 30 Undergraduate Medical Students. Morris S, Osborne MS, Bowyer D J Surg Educ. 2018 May 11. pii: S1931-7204(18)30128-4 PMID 29759952 National prospective cohort study of peritonsillar abscess management and outcomes: the Multicentre Audit of Quinsies study West Midland Research Collaborative J Laryngol Otol. 2016 Aug;130(8):768-76. PMID 27282632 A rare Complication of nasal retaining loop insertion. Saunders T, Osborne M S Austin J Otolaryngol 2(4): id1038 (2015) - Page - 02