Max Osborne

169 7 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements During my extended training and education there have been a great number of colleagues, friends and family members who have supported me and without whom this thesis could not have been possible. I would like to particularly thank the following people who have been influential in motivation and guidance. I am particularly thankful to Anne Child-Hymas (lead audiologist) and her colleagues at Birmingham Children’s Hospital without whom all my research would not have been possible, thank you for trawling through 100’s of pink sheets and 1000’s of data point. For continuing to review and provide feedback and support. I am standing on your shoulders when I present this work and I thank you for allowing me to do so. I would like to thank Ms Konstance Tzifa and Mr Channa Panagamuwa, for their encouragement, support and training and allowing me to present their patients’ data. A special mention to Miss Diny Helsper for the huge editorial efforts she has provided for me. I will be forever grateful to my promotores. Prof. Em. dr. C.W.R.J. Cremers who in Osseo, Miami 2019 kindly agreed to support my thesis and has provided constant support and guidance. Thank you for your encouragement, critique, and late-night email with even more reference to read – I am humbled by your expertise and wiliness to support me through this process. Ms Ann-Louise McDermott – for seeing my potential and believing in me. Your constant support and sage advice, both personal and professional have been fundamental in my successes. I owe you so much that words cannot simply explain your importance to me. Thank you for giving me direction and the opportunity to flourish. I am especially thankful to Prof. dr. Myrthe Hol, Thank you for taking on such a fundamental role in supporting this thesis. Thank you for your time, energy and guidance. You have enabled me to achieve my academic dreams something that as a young student with dyslexia never thought possible. My beautiful wife Fiona, thank you for supporting me, taking on the additional burdens of responsibility for our family to allow me the time to focus and produce this research, pass my exams, and complete my training. I could not have done this alone. Thank you.