Max Osborne

174 Chapter 7 In November 2021 Max successfully obtained his FRCS (ORL-HNS) at the Royal College of Surgeons, England. Max has recently taken on a consultant role in the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust and is enjoying establishing himself for the next stage of his career. He has demonstrated a keen interest in research and teaching. Published 28 peer reviewed articles and 10 oral presentations at National and international Level. He has received multiple awards for dedication to medical teaching for both undergraduate and postgraduate students and gained a PGDip in Clinical Education which led to being accepted as a Member of the Academy of Medical Educators. More recently he had focused on the developed a course focused on preparation for the MCQ examination specifically designed to help those trainees with a background of neurodiversity following his own experiences and challenges with this as a trainee. He also volunteers regularly as faculty at PESC, BACO, SPR interview courses and local and regional emergency ENT courses and NPCPO. Between 2019 and 2022 he was an active member of the British Association for Paediatric Otolaryngology council (BAPO) and co-ordinated their two-day international conference in 2019. In 2023 he joined the council of the Midlands Institute of Otorhinolaryngology. Max is married to Fiona Osborne who has been the bedrock of support through his training and research. He is the father of two beautiful and strong willed boys, Rufus who is now four and Alexander who is one. Both are a constant source of inspiration and joy and a reminder of why he chose his path in life.