Max Osborne

180 Chapter 7 (Inter)national Symposia and Congresses British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngology - 1 oral presentation 2022 OSSEO Miami 1 oral presentation 2019 IAD - 1 oral presentation 2018 BACO - 3 poster presented - 1x best poster prize 2018 Regional Symposia and Congresses Midlands Institute of Otorhinolaryngology - 1 oral presentation 2019 Midlands Institute of Otorhinolaryngology - 1 oral (prize), 1 poster presentation 2018 Prizes and Awards RSM Temporal Bone Competition – Second Prize 2019 Joint Forces Command Presentation – First Prize 2019 MIO course award for trainees - £2000 2018 BACO 2018: Innovation in ENT-Poster prize – Scott Brown 2018 MIO Winter meeting Presentation- First Prize - £500 2018 Other Junior BAPO council member 2019-2022 Association of Otolaryngologists in Training (AOT) West Midlands trainee Representative 2020-2021