Max Osborne

Five year clinical outcomes and evaluation of the Oticon 4.5mm 43 2 3.2. The surgery A total of 70 implant systems were placed in 47 children between January 2014 and December 2015. All were two stage procedures. Twenty-six (55%) patients (17 M, 9F) underwent a ‘U’ shaped incision of first stage followed by a 4 mm skin punch without skin reduction (Surgeon 1). Twenty-one (45%) (10 M, 11 F) underwent a linear incision for fixture placement and second stage (Surgeon 2). No statistical significance was found in age (p-0.42), fixture size (p-0.74, CI -0.37-0.26) or abutment length (p-0.22, CI 0.47-1.97) when comparing the two surgical methods. Therefore, further analysis of outcomes will consider the entire cohort together [Table 3]. Table 3: Patient demographics as divided by surgical technique applied. Overall % Surgeon 1 ‘U Shape’ % Surgeon 2 ‘Linear’ % Total Patients 47 26 21 Male 27 57 17 65 10 48 Female 20 43 9 35 11 52 Age Years 9.5 9.9 9 (4-15.2) (4-16.3) (4.5---16.2) Bilaterally Fitting 23 24 14 54 9 43 Unilateral Fitting 24 51 12 46 12 57 Total number of fixtures loaded 70 40 30 Implanted fixture size 3mm 39 56 25 63 14 47 4mm 21 30 11 28 10 33 Missing date 10 14 4 10 6 20 Abutment Size 6mm 16 23 8 20 8 27 9mm 38 54 24 60 14 47 12mm 6 9 4 10 2 7 14mm 2 3 2 5 0 0 Missing data 8 11 2 5 6 20