Max Osborne

89 3.2 Clinical evaluation and resonance frequency analysis in Down Syndrome the missing data collection. The added burden of additional reviews was considered a further inconvenience especially when parents and carers had no concerns regarding the implant site or hearing following abutment placement. This was confirmed with telephone consultations when investigation the missing appointments. Role of funding source This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Declaration of competing interest No authors involved with the paper have any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal, or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence, their work. Acknowledgements We would like to extend our thanks to Arpita Singh and Marcus Holmberg for their assistance in setting up the study. The authors would also like to thank Ms Konstance Tzifa, Mr Chana Panagamuwa, and Ms Jo Williams-Outhwaite for allowing us to use their cases in our study.