Max Osborne

Chapter 1 General Introduction 9
Chapter 2 Five year clinical outcomes and evaluation following implantation of the OticonTM wide bone anchored hearing system in 47 children. 37
Chapter 3 Clinical evaluation of a novel laser ablated titanium bone-anchored hearing implantation 53
Chapter 3.1 Clinical evaluation of a novel laser-ablated titanium implant system for bone anchored hearing systems in a paediatric population and the relationship of resonance frequency analysis with implant survival. 55
Chapter 3.2 Clinical evaluation and resonance frequency analysis of laser ablated titanium bone-anchored hearing implant system in children with Down Syndrome. 75
Chapter 4 Paediatric experience with a novel adhesive adapter retained bone conduction system 95
Chapter 4.1 First Pediatric Experience With a Novel, Adhesive Adapter Retained, Bone Conduction Hearing Aid System 97
Chapter 4.2 Longitudinal study of use of the pressure free, adhesive bone conducting hearing system in children at a tertiary centre. 117
Chapter 5 General Discussion 129
Chapter 6 Summary 149
Samenvatting 155
Chapter 7 Appendices 160
List of publications 163
Acknowledgements - Dankwoord 169
About the author/Curriculum Vitae 173
PhD portfolio 177
Data management plan 183
Abbreviations 187