Joyce Molenaar

110 CHAPTER 4 APPENDIX 4. National indicator set An overview of the indicator set that is used for monitoring the Solid Start action program on a national level, including each indicators’ numerator, denominator and data source. This national indicator set was developed in 2019 (2). A Dutch version of the set of indicators (and its development), as well as the annual factsheets with a quantification of the indicators can be found online: Some indicators are formulated slightly different over the years, due to data-availability. The overview on this worksheet is based on the monitor in 2021. Preconception Indicator Numerator Denominator Data source Percentage of municipalities with a local or regional coalition around the first thousand days of life Number of municipalities with a local or regional coalition around the first thousand days of life Number of municipalities (that receive additional subsidies for Solid Start) Questionnaire among municipalities Percentage of municipalities with a joint Solid Start- action plan Number of municipalities with a joint Solid Startaction plan (completed or under development). Number of municipalities (that receive additional subsidies for Solid Start) Questionnaire among municipalities Percentage of (central) municipalities that started the program ‘Nu Niet Zwanger’ (Not Pregnant Now) Number of (central) municipalities that started the program ‘Nu Niet Zwanger’ (Not Pregnant Now) Number of (central) municipalities GGD GHOR Nederland (association for public health and safety in the Netherlands) Pregnancy Indicator Numerator Denominator Data source Percentage of municipalities in which youth healthcare offers prenatal home visits Number of municipalities in which youth healthcare offers prenatal home visits Number of municipalities (that have answered the question) Questionnaire among municipalities Percentage of municipalities in which the program ‘VoorZorg’ (Nurse Family Partnership) is offered Number of municipalities in which ‘VoorZorg’ (Nurse Family Partnership) is offered Number of municipalities Nederlands Centrum Jeugdgezondheid (Dutch centre of youth healthcare) Percentage of midwifery practices trained in the program ‘CenteringZwangerschap’ (CenteringPregnancy) Number of midwifery practices of which at least one midwife has followed a ‘CenteringZwangerschap’ (CenteringPregnancy) training. Number of midwifery practices Stichting Centering Nederland (foundation for Centering in the Netherlands) Percentage of pregnant women who have their first antenatal care visit after the 10th week of pregnancy Number of pregnancies from 24 weeks of gestation whereby the first antenatal care visit took place after the 10th week of pregnancy Number of pregnancies from 24 weeks of gestation Perined through DIAPER*