Joyce Molenaar

50 CHAPTER 2 Variable Definition Categories Data source* Hospital expenditures Hospital expenditures in 2016, categorized using a cut-off value corresponding to the highest 10% of expenditures among all women with hospital expenditures. In case a woman was pregnant in 2016, hospital expenditures of the previous year (2015 or 2014) were included, to avoid including pregnancy related health care costs High; low or none SSD (Vektis) Medication use Number of registered types of medication used in 2016 categorized into high (≥5 different types) and low (<5) according to the most common definition of polypharmacy12 High; low or none SSD Addiction related care uptake *** The presence or history of a diagnosis-treatment combination for mental healthcare related to addiction [2011-2016] Yes; no SSD Psychosocial characteristics Mental healthcare uptake Expenditures that were made regarding mental healthcare services Yes; no SSD (Vektis) Risk of depression or anxiety disorders** Based on ten questions of the Kessler Psychological Distress scale13, categorized into moderate to high risk and no or low risk Moderate-high risk; no or low risk PHM-2016 Loneliness** Based on 11 statements of the De Jong – Gierveld scale14, categorized into feeling lonely (moderate – severe) and not feeling lonely Feeling lonely; not feeling lonely PHM-2016 Feelings of control over life** Based on seven statements15 of the Pearlin Mastery scale and categorized into low (insufficient), moderate and high Low; moderate; high PHM-2016 Mild intellectual disability Registered indication for a mild intellectual disability as recorded in data sources of occupational disabilities, sheltered employment and entitlement to the Long-Term care Act Yes; no SSD Life-events Crime suspect*** Having been registered as a crime suspect [2009-2016] Yes; no SSD Crime victim*** Having been a victim of a crime that was reported to the police [2011-2016] Yes; no SSD Having been detained*** Having been detained [2004-2016] Yes; no SSD History of frequent moving A change of registered home address of more than five times in the past five years Yes; no SSD Loss of a family member*** Loss of a parent and/or child [2011-2016] Yes; no SSD Living conditions Home ownership The home ownership of the woman’s home address Rented; owneroccupied SSD Motorized vehicle ownership A registered motorized vehicle at the woman’s home address, according to the Dutch vehicle registration authority No; yes SSD 12 Masnoon N, Shakib S, Kalisch-Ellett L, Caughey GE. What is polypharmacy? A systematic review of definitions. BMC geriatrics. 2017;17(1):1-10. 13 Kessler RC, Andrews G, Colpe LJ, Hiripi E, Mroczek D, et al. Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress. Psychological medicine. 2002;32(6):959. 14 De Jong Gierveld J, Van Tilburg T. Manual of the loneliness scale 1999. Department of Social Research Methodology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam (updated version 1801 02). 1999. 15 Pearlin LI, Schooler C. The structure of coping. Journal of health and social behavior. 1978:2-21.