Margot Morssinkhof

Chapter 4 110 measure sleep disruptions, omitting the other questionnaires from the subscale (e.g., snoring, being too cold or warm, having to go to the bathroom). Item 5B is phrased “During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you wake up in the middle of the night or early morning”, and it can be scored from 0 (“Not during the past month”) to 3 (“Three or more times a week”). 2.4. Data analysis Preregistration Statistical analyses for this study were preregistered at (#129150). As preregistered, the analysis choice for the second aim (i.e., the role of the CAR in the group differences in sleep quality and sleep disruptions) depended on whether we found group differences in sleep outcomes (i.e., sleep quality or sleep disruptions) in the first aim. Contingent on significant differences in the first aim, we would subsequently conduct mediation analyses to assess whether differences in the CAR explained group differences in sleep outcomes. If we did not find significant differences in the first aim, we would conduct moderation analyses to assess the possible moderating role of group on the association between the CAR and sleep outcomes. Since the comparison of NC women and OC users was the primary group comparison in this study, the p-values for the first study aim (i.e., the two comparisons of sleep disruptions and quality in OC users vs. NC women) were adjusted for repeated testing across two tests, and the p-values for the second study aim (i.e., the two comparisons of the association between the CAR and sleep disruptions and quality in OC users vs. NC women) were adjusted for repeated testing of four tests. All p-values were adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Bonferroni method. Analyses Participant demographics Demographic outcomes were compared using linear regression models for the continuous outcomes and Chi squared tests for the categorical outcomes. The first aim of this study was to examine differences in sleep quality and sleep disruptions between NC women and OC users, we extended this