Margot Morssinkhof

Cortisol dynamics and sleep quality: the role of sex and oral contraceptive use 119 Figure 4.3. Associations between the CAR, sleep quality and disrupted sleep. The upper panel displays the association between the CAR AUCi (in nmol/L*minutes) and the sleep quality (as mesaured using the PSQI sum score) stratified per group. The men show a significant association between the sleep quality and the CAR (p<0.01). The lower panel displays the CAR AUCi (in nmol/L*minutes) stratified per group and ordered by reported sleep disruptions (as measured using the PSQI 5B). The OC users and men show a significant negative association between the PSQI 5B and the CAR (p<0.01 and p=0.044, respectively).