Margot Morssinkhof

Chapter 5 146 (95% CI 0.06; 1.50). 48.8% of trans women report poor sleep after 12 months of GAHT, and neither the unadjusted or adjusted models show significant changes in PSQI scores. The PSQI score outcomes are also displayed in Table 5.3. Table 5.3. Total results from the PSQI and ISI per group. Trans men Timepoint, months after start GAHT (n) Raw scores or durations (median, IQR) Unadjusted model Estimated change from baseline (95% CI: L; H) Adjusted model Estimated change from baseline (95% CI: L; H) ISI score (range 0-28) 0 (211) 7 (3 - 11) Reference Reference 3 (172) 6 (3 - 10) -0.96 (-1.64; -0.29) ** -1.11 (-1.82; -0.40) ** 6 (120) 7 (3 - 11) -0.41 (-1.18; 0.36) -0.39 (-1.18; 0.39) 9 (93) 7 (3 - 10) -0.91 (-1.73; -0.08) * -0.97 (-1.81; -0.13) * 12 (107) 7 (3 - 11) -0.04 (-0.82; 0.73) 0.21 (-0.64; 1.06) PSQI score (range 0-21) 0 (200) 6 (4 - 8) Reference Reference 12 (90) 7 (4 - 10) 0.49 (-0.17; 1.17) 0.78 (0.06; 1.50) * TST (hours) 0 (200) 7 (6.5 - 8) Reference Reference 12 (90) 7 (6 - 8) -0.14 (-0.44; 0.16) -0.22 (6.88; 7.44) SOL (minutes) 0 (200) 30 (15 - 45) Reference Reference 12 (90) 30 (15 - 45) 0.41 (-5.40; 6.20) -0.09 (-5.41; 6.20) SE (%) 0 (200) 87.5% (77.8% - 94.7%) Reference Reference 12 (90) 84.8% (71.0% - 93.6%) -2.82 (-5.46; -0.23)* -2.75 (-5.72; 0.19) Trans women Timepoint, months after start GAHT (n) Raw scores or durations (median, IQR) Unadjusted model B (95% CI: L, H) Adjusted model B (95% CI: L; H) ISI score (range 0-28) 0 (140) 6 (3 - 10) Reference Reference 3 (129) 5 (2 - 9) -0.87 (-1.70; -0.04) * -0.54 (-1.43; 0.35) 6 (84) 5.5 (2 – 10) -0.73 (-1.70; 0.23) -0.36 (-1.36; 0.64) 9 (67) 5 (3 - 9) -0.10 (-1.12; 0.93) 0.24 (-0.82; 1.30) 12 (80) 5 (2 – 9) -0.61 (-1.60; 0.37) -0.31 (-1.37; 0.75) PSQI score (range 0-21) 0 (117) 5 (4 - 8) Reference Reference 12 (62) 5 (3 - 7) -0.78 (-1.65; 0.09) -0.61 (-1.66; 0.34) TST (hours) 0 (117) 7 (6 - 8) Reference Reference 12 (62) 7 (6.5 - 8) 0.28 (-0.13; 0.69) 0.15 (-0.32; 0.62) SOL (minutes) 0 (117) 25 (11.5 - 45) Reference Reference 12 (62) 20 (10 - 30) -8.91 (-14.94; -3.07) ** -9.61 (-16.56; -2.69) ** SE (%) 0 (117) 88.9% (77.5% - 100%) Reference Reference 12 (62) 86.7% (75.0% - 91.5%) -0.01 (-5.17; 2.80) -0.02 (-5.86; 2.92) Total ISI score, total PSQI score, as well as reported Total sleep time (TST), Sleep Efficiency (SE%), Sleep onset latency (SOL) obtained from the PSQI in trans men and women, reported per measurement time point. Both mean and IQRs as well as linear mixed model results (from unadjusted and adjusted models) are displayed. * =p <0.05, ** = p < 0.025; IQR = InterQuartile Range; 95% CI = 95% Confidence Interval.