Margot Morssinkhof

Sex hormones, insomnia, and sleep quality: subjective sleep in the first year of hormone use 163 Table S5.3. Cycle regulation in trans men: differences in ISI scores between CR users and nonusers per measurement timepoint. Non-use of CR was used as reference category, estimated difference in CR users is displayed below. Months after GAHT start Cycle regulation use n Estimated ISI score difference per timepoint (95% CI) 0 N 185 Ref Y 26 0.067 (-1.31; 1.44) 3 N 165 Ref Y 7 1.18 (-2.09; 4.44) 6 N 115 Ref Y 5 -1.20 (-4.84; 2.44) 9 N 88 Ref Y 5 0.37 (-2.95; 3.70) 12 N 106 Ref Y 1 8.41 (1.74; 15.1) * Table S4. Mastectomy surgeries in trans men: differences in ISI scores between participants who had or had not undergone a mastectomy surgery per measurement timepoint. No mastectomy surgery was used as reference category, estimated difference in CR users is displayed below. Months after GAHT start Has undergone a mastectomy n Estimated ISI score difference per timepoint (95% CI) 0 N 176 Ref Y 35 0.42 (-0.83; 1.67) 3 N 153 Ref Y 19 -0.39 (-2.33; 1.55) 6 N 59 Ref Y 61 -0.03 (-1.80; 1.74) 9 N 30 Ref Y 63 -0.50 (-2.48; 1.47) 12 N 54 Ref Y 53 -0.51 (-2.32; 1.29)