Margot Morssinkhof

Influence of sex hormone use on sleep architecture in a transgender cohort 177 3.2. Changes in sleep architecture after GAHT Transmasculine participants A total of 38 transmasculine participants were included in the data of the current study: 36 participants contributed 146 measurement nights to the baseline measurement, and 26 participants contributed 118 measurement nights to the 3-month follow-up measurement. As shown in Table 6.2, statistical analyses show that after 3 months of GAHT, results show a trend towards a decreased sleep onset latency (-20.5%, p=0.051), no significant change in the total sleep time and a trend towards a decrease in wake after sleep onset (-14.2%, p=0.085). After 3 months of GAHT, the number of interruptions (NRI) showed no significant change, but the number of arousals (NRA) decreased (-10.8%, p=0.044) and the SE improved (2.3%, p=0.036). Furthermore, after 3 months of GAHT slow wave sleep duration (-7.4 minutes, p=0.003) and slow wave sleep percentage (-1.7%, p=0.007) decreased, REM sleep latency decreased (-38.6%, p=0.0001) and REM sleep duration increased (16.5 minutes, p=0.0008). Correction for multiple testing showed that the changes in REM sleep latency and REM sleep duration remained significant after correction for repeated testing (p=0.0025). See Figure 6.2 for visualization of the sleep architecture outcomes. Transfeminine participants A total of 35 transfeminine participants were included in the data of the current study: 32 participants contributed 124 measurement nights to the baseline measurement, and 24 participants contributed 102 nights of measurements to the 3-month follow-up measurement. As shown in Table 6.2, statistical analyses show no significant changes after 3 months of GAHT compared to baseline (see also Figure 6.2). Psychotropic medication The incorporation of psychotropic medication use as an additional covariate did not significantly affect the direction or magnitude of the results, as displayed in table 2 in the adjusted model results.