Margot Morssinkhof

Chapter 6 178 Table 6.2. Sleep architecture before GAHT use and after 3 months of GAHT use. Transmasculine participants Transfeminine participants Timepoint Baseline 3 months Statistical difference1. Baseline 3 months Statistical difference1. n (mean number of valid nights per participant) 36 (4.3) 26 (4.5) Unadjusted model Adjusted model 2. 32 (3.9) 24 (4.1) Unadjusted model Adjusted model 2. SOL (minutes) 19.5 (9.7 to 34.9) 13.4 (7.0 to 34.6) -20.5% (37.9% to 0.0%) p=0.051 -24.2% (-10.3% to -3.9%) p=0.023 14.97 (7.5 to 30.7) 13.1 (7.4 to 24.4) -1.12% (-5.93% to 3.86%) p=0.65 -1.11% (-5.9% to 3.8%) p=0.66 TST (hours) 7.3 (1.41) 7.53 (1.52) 0.17 (-0.15 to 0.49) p=0.29 0.20 (-0.12 to 0.53) p=0.23 6.52 (1.32) 6.47 (1.28) 0.006 (-0.31 to 0.32) p=0.97 0.005 (-0.30 to 0.32) p=0.97 WASO (minutes) 21.9 (14.0 to 38.7) 19.6 (12.6 to 29.7) -14.2% (-27.9% to 2.1%) p=0.085 -14.6% (-28.7% to 2.4%) p=0.087 21.06 (11.7 to 39.7) 14.98 (8.29 to 31.60) -8.64% (-24.0% to 9.55%) p=0.33 -8.6% (-24.0% to 9.52%) p=0.34 SE (%) 89.9 (85.6 to 94.5) 91.9 (85.6 to 94.5) 2.3% (0.1% to 4.6%) p=0.044 2.5% (0.2% to 4.9%) p=0.036 90.4 (83.6 to 93.6) 92.4 (86.4 to 95.2) 0.9% (-2.3% to 2.5%) p=0.94 0.1% (-2.3% to 2.5%) p=0.95 NRI (n) 1 (0 to 2) 1 (0 to 2) -7.7% (-18.% to 4.9%) p=0.22 -8.0% (-19.4% to 5.0%) p=0.22 1 (0 to 2) 0.5 (0 to 1) -3.23% (-16.1% to 11.5%) p=0.65 -3.13% (-16.1% to 11.5%) p=0.66 NRA (n) 29 (21 to 44) 25 (19 to 35.5) -10.8% (-20.2% to -0.4%) p=0.044 -10.4% (-20.0% to 0.4%) p=0.059 28.5 (18 to 41.25) 24 (17 to 40) -0.96% (-12.6% to 12.3%) p=0.88 -0.96% (-12.7% to 12.3%) p=0.88 SWS (minutes) 90.6 (34.2) 85.2 (27) -7.4 (-12.2 to -2.6) p=0.0028 -8.2 (-13.1 to -3.2) p=0.001 3. 87 (30.6) 84.6 (28.2) -3.41 (-8.47 to 1.66) p=0.19 -3.40 (-8.5 to 1.7) p=0.19 % SWS (relative to TST) 21.0 (7.8) 19.5 (7.0) -1.7 (-3.0 to -0.5) p=0.0073 -2.1 (-3.4 to -0.8) p=0.0017 3. 22.75 (8.36) 22.2 (7.58) -1.00 (-2.70 to 0.7) p=0.25 -0.99 (-2.7 to 0.7) p=0.25 REM sleep latency (minutes) 87 (58 to 129) 68 (12.0 to 99.5) -38.6% (-52.1% to -21.6%) p=0.0001 3. -41.1% (54.4% to -24.1%) p=0.00006 3. 78 (21.0 to 109.5) 85 (33 to 109) 21.51% (-8.60% to 60.8%) p=0.175 21.6% (-8.70% to 60.6%) p=0.174 REM sleep duration (minutes) 111.3 (44.2) 128.5 (41.6) 16.5 (6.9 to 26.0) p=0.00085 3. 18.2 (8.3 to 28.0) p=0.0004 3. 113.92 (42.1) 113.88 (44.4) -2.16 (-11.92 to 7.63) p=0.66 -2.21 (-11.9 to 7.57) p=0.66 Outcomes at baseline and 3 months are reported in mean and SD if normally distributed and median, 25th and 75th percentile if not normally distributed. SOL=sleep onset latency, TST=total sleep time, WASO=wake after sleep onset, SE=sleep efficiency, NRI=number of interruptions, NRA=number of arousals, SWS=slow wave sleep, REM=rapid eye movement. 1. Estimate, 95% confidence interval and p-value are reported. Estimates for variables that were non-normally distributed (e.g. SOL, WASO, SE, NRI, NRA) were logtransformed and are reported in % of change. 2. Adjusted for the use of psychotropic medication. 3. Significant after Bonferroni correction for repeated testing (p=0.0025).