Margot Morssinkhof

Chapter 8 222 2.3. Outcome measures The most relevant outcomes were the effects of sex hormones on sleep, effects of sex hormones on depression and the effect of sex hormones on the interaction of sleep problems and depression. “Sex hormones” either refer to measurement of endogenous sex hormone levels or to exogenous sex hormone interventions. “Sleep” includes sleep duration, sleep quality and/or sleep physiology, through either objective measurement (though actigraphy, EEG and/or polysomnography) and/or subjective measurement (through sleep questionnaires). Depression measurement either refers to self-reported measures of symptoms of depression measured with questionnaires or a diagnosis of depression by clinical interviews or by a physician. 2.4. Study selection MM and DW independently screened the identified articles in a blinded manner based on title and abstract using Rayyan QCRI software (Ouzzani et al., 2016). MM and DW did not reach agreement on 7 abstracts out of 2785 abstracts, which were conflict resolved by BB as a third reviewer. This resulted in 38 papers to be reviewed in full text. Full text screening was then performed independently by MM and DW to see whether the articles fulfilled all inclusion and exclusion criteria. Full text review resulted in 1 conflict, which was again resolved by the third reviewer (BB). The final search result contained 13 included papers. The study selection is also displayed according to PRISMA guidelines in Figure 8.1. 2.5. Data extraction Data extraction was performed by MM and DW with a custom-made form to assess methods and outcomes of the studies. The custom-made form contained the first author’s name, year of publication, journal, study design, study objective, number of participants, age of participants, method of measuring or intervening in sex steroids, sleep measurement instrument or method, mood or depression assessment instrument and key findings of every study. MM conducted the full data extraction and DW verified the extraction. A compact version of the data extraction table is displayed in Table 8.1.