Margot Morssinkhof

Chapter 8 226 Table 8.1. (continued) First author, year of publication Included participants (age range or mean) Study design and duration Hormone measurement and/or intervention Study quality Depression (symptom) assessment Sleep assessment subjective (S) and objective (O) Results: sex hormones and sleep Results: sex hormones and depressive symptoms Results: association sleepdepressive symptoms Gingnell et al., 2013 34 women with previous mood symptoms when on oral contraceptives, randomized to placebo (n = 17) and oral contraceptive (OC) (n = 17) (age range 1845, mean age 25) Prospective, double blind randomized controlled trial on monophasic oral contraceptives (one month) Placebo vs. oral contraceptive (monophasic) for one month/treatment cycle No hormone measurements Good STAI-S and MADR-S, daily symptom ratings S: disrupted sleep symptom O: None Post treatment pill group ↑ fatigue* and disordered sleep* than pretreatment and than placebo post-treatment N.B. Women assigned to placebo had higher rates or disordered sleep at baseline** Pill group ↑ daily depression symptoms in final treatment week* than own baseline and final treatment of placebo group MADR-S scores ↑ in pill group N.R. Hollander et al., 2001 436 women (age range 3547, mean age 41) Prospective observational cohort study (4 follicular phase assessments over 2 years) Serum E2, FSH, LH, DHEAS and testosterone. Good CES-D S: St. Mary’s Hospital Sleep questionnaire O: None ↓ E2 level over time  ↑ poor sleep over time (only in women aged 45+). Association depressive symptoms and E2: NS. ↑ depressive symptoms = ↑ poor sleep*, also after adjustment for E2 levels.