Margot Morssinkhof

Associations between sex hormones, sleep problems and depression 229 Table 8.1. (continued) First author, year of publication Included participants (age range or mean) Study design and duration Hormone measurement and/or intervention Study quality Depression (symptom) assessment Sleep assessment subjective (S) and objective (O) Results: sex hormones and sleep Results: sex hormones and depressive symptoms Results: association sleepdepressive symptoms Shechter et al., 2012 7 women with PMDD and sleep complaints and 5 controls (mean age 31 years old) Prospective case-control study (one full menstrual cycle, measurements every 3rd night) No intervention Measured urinary progesterone Good Prospectively monitored PMDD symptoms S: None O: Sleep PSG REM sleep ↓ in early luteal phase vs. early follicular phase (both groups)*. P levels in PMDD vs. control is N.S. PMDD group ↑SWS * * and ↓ melatonin * than controls. Toffol et al., 2019 182 women attending gynecology clinic either starting (n = 68), continuing (n = 62) or switching (n = 52) their current hormonal contraceptive (HC) (aged 18 or older) Prospective observational cohort study Intervention: hormonal contraceptives (including both short-term contraceptives (e.g. oral) and long-acting (e.g. IUD, implant) No hormone measurements Fair BDI-13 S: Insomnia symptoms, early awakening O: None Insomnia symptoms more likely in HC starters, significant after controlling for kind of contraceptive (long vs. shortacting)* Early awakening significantly more persistent in continuers Starting group had n=6 (9%) who reported self-harm at follow up, significantly higher than other groups. All self-harming participants reported some psychological symptoms at baseline, 2 had psychiatric diagnosis. N.R. ~ indicates predictor-outcome association, = indicates correlation, * indicates p<0.05, ** indicates p<0.01, *** indicates p<0.0001, NR=not reported, NS=not significant. PSG=polysomnography, SWS=Slow Wave Sleep, ArI=Arousal Index, ISI=Insomnia Severity Index, ESS=Epworth Sleepiness Scale, PSQI=Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, MDD=Major Depressive Disorder, PMDD=Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder, PMS=Premenstrual Syndrome, CES-D=Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, BDI=Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-13=13-item Beck Depression Inventory, MADR-S=Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, STAI-S=StateTrait Anxiety Inventory, DLQ=Daily Life Questionnaire, POMS=profile of mood scale, P=progesterone, E=estradiol, T=testosterone, PdG=pregnanediol (main urinary metabolite for progesterone), E1=estrone, E2=estradiol, OC=oral contraceptives, ISI=insomnia severity index, PdG=pregnanediol, ASD=androsterone, SHDG=Sex hormone-binding globulin.