Margot Morssinkhof

Associations between sex hormones, sleep problems and depression 253 Web of Science/Clarative TOPIC: (mood OR depress* OR MDD OR dysthymi*) AND (sex hormon* OR sex steroid* OR gonadal steroid* OR estrogen* OR oestrogen* OR oestradiol OR estradiol OR progest* OR testosteron* OR androgen* OR oral hormonal contraceptive* OR gestagen) AND (sleep* OR insomnia*) Database Before removal of duplicates After removal of duplicates PubMed 645 640 EMBASE (Ovid) 2368 1790 Cochrane 203 (5 reviews, 198 trials) 107 (5 reviews, 102 trials) PsycINFO (Ovid) 183 55 Web of Science 743 303 Total 4142 2895