Margot Morssinkhof

General introduction 31 References Albuquerque, R. G., da Rocha, M. A. D., Hirotsu, C., Hachul, H., Bagatin, E., Tufik, S., & Andersen, M. L. (2015). A randomized comparative trial of a combined oral contraceptive and azelaic acid to assess their effect on sleep quality in adult female acne patients. Archives of Dermatological Research, 307(10), 905-915. Aldridge, Z., Patel, S., Guo, B., Nixon, E., Pierre Bouman, W., Witcomb, G. L., & Arcelus, J. (2021). Long-term effect of gender-affirming hormone treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in transgender people: A prospective cohort study. Andrology, 9(6), 1808-1816. Aleknaviciute, J., Tulen, J. H. M., De Rijke, Y. B., Bouwkamp, C. G., van der Kroeg, M., Timmermans, M., Wester, V. L., Bergink, V., Hoogendijk, W. J. G., Tiemeier, H., van Rossum, E. F. C., Kooiman, C. G., & Kushner, S. A. (2017). The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device potentiates stress reactivity. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 80, 39-45. Altemus, M., Sarvaiya, N., & Neill Epperson, C. (2014). Sex differences in anxiety and depression clinical perspectives. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 35(3), 320-330. 10.1016/j.yfrne.2014.05.004 American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Antypa, N., Vogelzangs, N., Meesters, Y., Schoevers, R., & Penninx, B. W. J. H. (2016). Chronotype Associations with Depression and Anxiety Disorders in a Large Cohort Study. Depression and Anxiety, 33(1), 75-83. Auer, M. K., Liedl, A., Fuss, J., Nieder, T., Briken, P., Stalla, G. K., Hildebrandt, T., Biedermann, S. V., & Sievers, C. (2017). High impact of sleeping problems on quality of life in transgender individuals: A cross-sectional multicenter study. PloS One, 12(2), e0171640. Baglioni, C., Battagliese, G., Feige, B., Spiegelhalder, K., Nissen, C., Voderholzer, U., Lombardo, C., & Riemann, D. (2011). Insomnia as a predictor of depression: A meta-analytic evaluation of longitudinal epidemiological studies. Journal of Affective Disorders, 135(1-3), 10-19. Ben Dor, R., Harsh, V. L., Fortinsky, P., Koziol, D. E., Rubinow, D. R., & Schmidt, P. J. (2013). Effects of Pharmacologically Induced Hypogonadism on Mood and Behavior in Healthy Young Women. American Journal of Psychiatry, 170(4), 426-433. appi.ajp.2012.12010117 Bezerra, A. G., Andersen, M. L., Pires, G. N., Banzoli, C. V., Polesel, D. N., Tufik, S., & Hachul, H. (2020). Hormonal contraceptive use and subjective sleep reports in women: An online survey. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(6), e12983. Bezerra, A. G., Pires, G. N., Andersen, M. L., Tufik, S., & Hachul, H. (2023). The Effects of Hormonal Contraceptives on the Sleep of Women of Reproductive Age. Sleep Medicine Clinics, 0(0). Bhasin, S., & Seidman, S. (2019). Testosterone Treatment of Depressive Disorders in Men: Too Much Smoke, Not Enough High-Quality Evidence. JAMA Psychiatry, 76(1), 9-10. Bianchi, M. T., Williams, K. L., Mckinney, S., & Ellenbogen, J. M. (2013). The subjective–objective mismatch in sleep perception among those with insomnia and sleep apnea. Journal of Sleep Research, 22(5), 557-568. Bixler, E. O., Papaliaga, M. N., Vgontzas, A. N., Lin, H.-M., Pejovic, S., Karataraki, M., Vela-Bueno, A., & Chrousos, G. P. (2009). Women sleep objectively better than men and the sleep of young women is more resilient to external stressors: Effects of age and menopause. Journal of Sleep Research, 18(2), 221-228.