Margot Morssinkhof

About the author 329 About the author Margot Morssinkhof was born in Enschede on the 12th of May, 1996. From 2013 to 2016, she followed the Psychobiology Bachelor’s degree at the University of Amsterdam, in which she also followed the Honours track. She finished her Bachelor’s degree with a thesis on the role of estrogen and progesterone in disgust, and with a research proposal on a placebocontrolled trial on oral contraceptives and mood. From 2017 to 2019, Margot followed the Master’s degree Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, which she finished Cum Laude. She finished her Master’s degree with literature thesis on the role of allopregnanolone in postpartum depression, and with two internships, of which one on the role of oral contraceptives in emotion processing and the other on gender differences in sleep and mood in children. During her Master’s degree, Margot was also active as a Youth Advocate at CHOICE for Youth, a role in which she advocated for sexual health and reproductive rights of youth. In 2019, during her Master’s degree, Margot started her PhD position at the OLVG and Amsterdam UMC, focusing on the effects of sex hormones on sleep and depression. As part of her PhD work, Margot visited the Neuroscience Research Unit (NRU) in Copenhagen, Denmark, from February to April 2023 to learn more about the neurobiological effects of sex hormones in the brain, funded by the Young Talent Grant of the Amsterdam UMC. Margot combines her research activities with work with societal partners and with advocacy work. In 2021, Margot joined the Medical-Societal Advice Board of Stichting PMDD, with whom she works on improving research on PMDD. From 2021 to 2023 she was vice-chair of the Start NVG&G, a community network for early career researchers working on sex and gender differences in health. From 2023 onwards, Margot is also a member of the NVG&G and the Alliantie Gender & GGZ. Margot currently works as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the department of Medical Psychology of the Amsterdam UMC, where she studies the effects of gender-affirming hormones on psychosocial well-being.