Sonja Kuipers

130 Chapter 5 practitioners, experts by experience, and oral health hygienists. Participants were approached face-to-face. In the second step (step 2a), we conducted semi-structured interviews with MHNs (Figure 1). A convenience sample was obtained using snowball recruiting based on experience (in working years) with patients with psychotic disorders, availability, and willingness to participate. Participants were approached by email or face-toface. Participants were recruited from the KieN Early Intervention Service in Leeuwarden, students of the Bachelor of Nursing program in their last year (University of Applied Science NHL Stenden, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands), and students of the Master Advanced Nursing Practitioner program (University of Applied Science GGZ-VS Utrecht). Figure 1. The iterative HCD stages and activities used in the first diamond of the Double Diamond model from the Design Council [28], adapted with permission from van ‘t Veer, Wouters, Veeger, van der Lugt, 2021 [34]. Copyright 2020 by publisher Coutinho, Bussum, the Netherlands. Note: HCD (human centered design) stages and activities in the two diamonds of the Double Diamond model [28]. Steps 1a-2b describe each stage of our project (discover and define). As HCD is an iterative process, the arrows describe how the results of each step impact the next step, leading to a detailed description of four different personas regarding oral health and adjustment of the personas in the last step (step 2b).