Sonja Kuipers

132 Chapter 5 The semi-structured interviews were conducted between January and April 2022. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim by the first author (S.K.). The iterative process of sampling, data collection, and analysis was continued until data saturation was reached. Analysis A thematic analysis [38] was used as a guiding procedure for the analysis of the data from the contextual interviews (step 1b) and the semi-structured interviews (step 2b). We analyzed the data using both a deductive and inductive thematic analysis approach [38]. In the discovery phase, structures and patterns became visible through fragmentation. The fragments were given open codes. The reduction phase was devoted to identifying coherent themes based on the codes. The themes were then revised and refined. In the last phase, we reflected on the themes and the analysis process [38,39]. All data were analyzed in Atlas TI Version 9 (Atlasti. com). To improve the credibility of the results, we used member checking, where following a participatory and qualitative approach, the verbatim transcripts were returned to the participants to validate the data from the contextual interviews. Quotes were added to the themes to provide a rich description. The key themes of attitudes and perspectives, barriers, needs, interventions, and site conditions were defined a priori for the analysis in step 1b, as they related to our research questions. Data coding facilitated the identification of patterns within the data and group statements with thematic similarities [39]. The themes and codes that emerged from the contextual interviews were used for persona creation. In step 2b, the semi-structured interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis [38] as a guiding procedure to ecologically validate the findings in the personas. Data were analyzed inductively in terms of three themes: (1) identification with personas; (2) evaluation of barriers, needs, interventions, and site conditions; and (3) current oral care and the future of oral care in mental health care to validate the personas and to find additional information. Persona Construction In step 1b, the user insights provided through the contextual interviews were converted into four authentic and lifelike personas of MHNs working with patients with a psychotic disorder. According to Grudin and Pruitt, the creation and use of