Sonja Kuipers

134 Chapter 5 To improve dependability and confirmability, an audit trail was conducted whereby the raw data and memos generated during the study were saved in a log file. Data analysis of nine semi-structured interviews was performed independently by two researchers (S.K. and S.S.). Differences between both researchers while interpreting and coding the data were discussed until a consensus was reached. Ethical Considerations Standard rules for good clinical practice and ethical principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki were followed by informing all participants about the study and their rights, and all subjects gave oral informed consent [44]. For this study, according to the Dutch Medical Research with Human Subjects Law, we did not require ethical approval since professionals were included in the study. The recordings of the interviews were retained according to the international safety regulations for the storage of data at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and were accessible to three researchers of this project (S.K., N.B., J.V.). Results Contextual Interviews We interviewed ten experts: four MHNs, two master’s advanced nursing practitioners, one student master’s advanced nursing practitioner, one student bachelor’s mental health nurse, one expert by experience, and one oral health hygienist. The group consisted of eight women and two men; the ages ranged between 23 and 52 years (mean age: 38 years). The number of years of work experience varied between 0 and 34 (mean: 9.3 years). Participant characteristics (profession, gender, age, educational level, and years of working experience) are given in Appendix A. It is important to notice that themes were linked to each other (e.g., needs appeared from barriers, interventions were associated with needs, and site conditions also referred to needs and barriers). The Attitudes, Perspectives, and Daily Practices of MHNs Regarding Oral Health. The attitudes and perspectives of oral health in mental healthcare and what a mental health professional is supposed to do about oral care varied enormously among the teams of participants. Of the participants, four stated that MHNs should