Sonja Kuipers

138 Chapter 5 Some participants would like to give patients an information sheet or flyer (e.g., after the intake or during a care plan meeting), or hang leaflets above the sink in rooms. Three participants (MHNs and the oral hygienist) introduced the importance of including oral health in an intake/anamnesis/somatic screening (e.g., an oral health screening) and care planning (and care coordination meetings) for patients. The integration of an oral health screening during patient admission would allow MHNs to include oral health care in treatment plans. “I see that also that fellow MHNs do not concern themselves with this, and when patients are admitted to an outpatient-team (e.g., early intervention psychosis team or assertive community treatment teams), no attention is paid oral health, and a somatic screening is done and patients were physically examined, except in the mouth” (Participant 3). One participant mentioned the importance of lifestyle within mental health. Lifestyle was seen as highly prioritized in organizations. The MHNs gave training and education to patients regarding lifestyle, but these were related to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and physical activity; the education was less focused on hygiene and oral health as part of lifestyle training. Participants proposed that an app could be used to provide oral health advice. Additionally, the oral hygienist advised the MHNs to develop a digital decision tool for oral health that contained all the required information in it. “A digital decision app with knowledge on oral health (e.g., importance, risk factors) and an advice nurses can give to their patients (e.g., based on oral health screening) could be appropriate, like a decision tree” (Participant 10). Site Conditions to Provide Oral Health Care Some participants indicated that not all patients have the right tools to take care of their oral health properly. It would be nice if tools were available and within easy reach. Tools, such as toothpaste, a toothbrush, and mouthwash, would be nice to have within reach for some participants. Two participants (a mental health nurse and an expert by experience) suggested that patients received a welcome pack when they are admitted, which could include a small tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush.