Sonja Kuipers

140 Chapter 5 1 ELEMENTS Anna Background Anna is a 27-year-old mental health nurse specialist working in psychiatry. She is married and has a 2-year-old daughter. Anna lives in a small village in the northern Netherlands. Anna is creative, assertive, and extroverted, and she enjoys being involved in the village and neighborhood associations. Context Anna has been working in a psychiatric clinic where patients with psychotic disorders are treated for five years. She works in the clinic four days per week. Anna often attends conferences concerning mental health, both domestic and international. She prefers to remain aware of new developments in her field, especially those she could implement in her practice. Oral care attitude and perspective Anna’s view on oral care: “It is important to look at oral care from a holistic perspectives.” Anna wants to involve colleagues in her ideas, and to improve oral health awareness in her field. Anna attends a dentist twice a year. Main barriers for Anna Anna’s patients have told her that they are not motivated to engage in oral care. Some do not have a toothbrush or toothpaste. Anna suspected that many patients do not have supplementary insurance for oral care, and their immediate family members were not engaged in the process. Anna acknowledged that neglecting oral care could have a negative impact on a patient’s health; in addition, her nursing education did not include the topics of oral care and oral health. Currently, Anna cannot provide a complete oral health education for her patients due to time constraints and the focus of her practice. Anna states that she does not know how to motivate and encourage clients into oral health. Anna’s needs Additional information, such as key factors, highlights, and instructions on motivational interviewing, could assist Anna in motivating her patients to care for their oral health. Focused campaigns, including literature and an oral care screening list, could increase awareness among MHNs. Anna would also like to know what information is important to include in psychoeducation for clients. Anna believes it is important for MHNs to start the conversation about maintaining and increasing oral health within the team of MHNs. Suggestions for oral health interventions Anna stated that oral health screening should be included in patients’ medical histories and then immediately integrated into the treatment plan. In addition, she suggested creating a digital decision tree. Leaflets and posters with information for nurses and patients could assist MHNs in educating their patients regarding the importance of oral health and how to integrate it into daily routines. Site conditions Materials such as toothbrushes and toothpastes should be available for patients. Anna suggests that peer consultation within the team is important in order to add oral health to the agenda. Figure 2. Persona Anna “It is important to look at oral care from a holistic perspective.” Figure 2. Persona Anna.