Sonja Kuipers

142 Chapter 5 3 ELEMENTS Julia Background Julia is 41-years-old and works three days per week as a psychiatric nurse in a FACT team. She is married and has two daughters. She trains two days per week at her children’s hockey club and is the captain of their team. Julia is enthusiastic and promotes activities. Context Julia obtained her bachelor’s degree in nursing 10 years ago. She works with patients diagnosed with psychotic disorders. Julia frequently attends conferences and is aware of the latest developments in her field. Julia recently applied for a position as a nursing specialist-in-training. Julia could not remember whether she had any training in oral care; however, she was interested to learn more about it. Oral care attitude and perspective From Julia’s perspective, oral care should be integrated into patient daily care. Julia herself attends a dentist and an oral hygienist twice a year. Main barriers for Julia As Julia tends to patients, she notes if they have oral hygiene issues, such as bad breath or particles trapped between their teeth, and she and the patient integrate oral care into the patient’s treatment plan. Julia said that she may be the only member of the nursing team who is concerned with patient oral health, as there has not been any coordination among the team. Julia indicated that, despite her concerns and actions regarding oral health, she is uncomfortable discussing oral care. Julia’s needs Julia needs support for discussing oral health and oral care with her patients. Increased concern and continuity of oral care in the field would promote and elevate Julia’s current approach. Suggestions for interventions As there appeared to be a lack of coordination among the nursing team, additional education and awareness would promote better oral health and oral hygiene for psychiatric patients. Leaflets and posters with information for nurses and patients, as well as an oral care screening list, could provide opportunities for MHNs to educate and support patients in their oral care routines. Short 2 min videos regarding oral health can provide practical information for MHNs Site conditions Integration of oral healthcare into MHNs’ daily patient care. Peer consultation within the team is important in order to add the topic of oral health to the agenda. Figure 4. Persona Julia. “Oral health care should be integrated into the daily care of patients.” Figure 4. Persona Julia.