Sonja Kuipers

143 A Human-Centered Design Approach to Develop Oral Health Nursing Interventions in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder 4 ELEMENTS Paul Background Paul is 45 years old and works as a psychiatric nurse in an outpatient team. Paul lives alone in a large city in the northern Netherlands. Paul plays volleyball, loves cooking, and is very social. Context Paul has worked in psychiatry for almost 20 years, and for the last 7 years, he has been part of an outpatient team for patients after early psychosis. He works four days a week. During his study at HBO-V, Paul was trained in oral care. Paul is not consistently aware of new developments in his field; although, he prefers to be involved in new developments when possible. Paul is not interested in a pioneering role within his organization. Oral care attitude and perspective Paul indicated that oral care was important, and that patients’ teeth should look good to prevent insecurity. He visits the dental hygienist annually, and when he has any oral issues, he attends a dentist as well. Main barriers for Paul Paul indicated that patients often felt unsure regarding their oral health. Paul is aware of the importance of oral care and the risk factors, but he does not know how to integrate this into patient care or how to advise patients. Paul stated that his colleagues were not concerned with patient oral care. Paul’s needs Training in oral health care, such as the importance of oral health care, risk factors, and screening for oral health, would increase awareness in the field and support Paul and his colleagues in their holistic work with patients. Suggestions for interventions Paul indicated that he appreciates being involved in new developments in the field. A digital screening app focused on oral care including advice on oral care in different situations (e.g., applying a decision tree) would support his work and allow him to integrate the advice into the patient treatment plans. Site conditions Integration of oral care in patient treatment plans and in the organization. Figure 5. Persona Paul. “I think oral care is very important, but I do not know what to tell my patients.” Figure 5. Persona Paul. 5