Sonja Kuipers

145 A Human-Centered Design Approach to Develop Oral Health Nursing Interventions in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder result of proper training in oral health. In addition, a beginning nurse needs to have a good example when starting a career in mental health care. If this is the attitude of the whole team, this might explain the attitude of a beginning nurse. “Monica’s perspective is based on the medical model, which focuses on (the absence of) psychiatric complaints. That is not how it works. But also, her limited experience might be an underlaying reason for her current attitude. That means she requires a proper role model” (Participant 7). When the participants looked at the team of nursing colleagues they worked with, most participants recognized all personas. One of the participants stated that almost half of their team was made up of people like Monica, but the participants did not recognize themselves as a Monica. Evaluation of Barriers, Needs, Interventions and Site Conditions Overall, the participants recognized almost all barriers, needs, interventions, and site conditions experienced in the different personas, in themselves, or in the teams they worked in (Appendix G). This indicated that there was no one-size-fits-all method for MHNs to maintain and increase oral health in patients after a psychosis admission. Barriers are often linked to site conditions. Following an episode of psychosis, patients are often not motivated to maintain or increase oral care. It is difficult for MHNs to motivate patients in terms of maintaining their oral health, partly because patients expect to be treated for mental health problems. To start talking about oral care is perceived by patients as strange because they do not consider it as part of their treatment. This makes it challenging to initiate a conversation about oral care with patients. The participants stated that since oral care is not asked about during intake, the MHNs acted only reactively when problems arose and were not proactive enough to prevent problems. “This is so recognizable. Not all patients have a toothbrush and toothpaste. I had a patient who had three tubes of toothpaste and no toothbrush, our team found this 5