Sonja Kuipers

161 A Human-Centered Design Approach to Develop Oral Health Nursing Interventions in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder Appendix B Table A2. Background Characteristics Participants Semi-Structured Interviews (n = 19). Characteristics|Participant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gender M/F M F F F F F M M F Age 38 28 30 45 46 38 37 31 31 Education Nurse sciences and MANP HBO-V HBO-V HBO-V MANP MANP HBO-V, MSc EBP HBO-V HBO-V Current job position Mental health nurse x Mental health nurse specialist x x x Mental health nurse specialist i.o. x (2nd) x (1st) x (2nd) x (1st) x (3rd) Student nursing Current team working HIC x VIP x FACT x x x x Other Clinical long-term care IHT Poli-clinic Current population working FEP x x x x x x x Several psychotic episodes x x x x x x x x Chronic course afterpsychosis x x x x x x Other Persona-lity disorder Youth 12–18 years Illicit drug related psychoses 5