Sonja Kuipers

162 Chapter 6 Table A2. Background Characteristics Participants Semi-Structured Interviews (n = 19). (continued) Characteristics|Participant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Years of work experience with this population 0–4 years x x x x 5–9 years x 10–14 years x 15–19 years x x 20–24 years x Other Characteristics|Participant 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gender M/F F F F F F F F F M Age 33 46 36 22 48 29 36 54 24 Education MANP HBO-V HBO-V MBO-V HBO-V MANP HBO-V MANP HBO-V Current job position Mental health nurse x x x x Mental health nurse specialist x x Mental health nurse specialist i.o. x (2nd) x (2nd) Student nursing x Current team working HIC x x VIP x x x FACT x x x Other Autism Poli-clinic Current population working