Sonja Kuipers

164 Chapter 6 Appendix C. Short List of ‘Guiding’ Questions for Semi-Structured Interviews 1. Looking at your role in the context in which you work, in which persona (or elements the persona) do you most identify? (Please circle as appropriate, you may circle more than one) 2. Which elements from this persona are most identifiable for you and why? Can you substantiate this with examples per element? 3. Looking at the team of nursing colleagues you work in, which persona is most recognizable? (Please circle as appropriate, you may circle more than one). 4. Which elements from this persona are most identifiable for you and why? Can you substantiate this with examples per element? 5. Which persona does not fit a mental health nurse at all? (Please circle as appropriate, you may circle more than one). 6. Can you also explain why this persona is not representative for a mental health nurse? 7. The personas describe the barriers experienced by MHNs. Which barriers do you recognize most and why? Go back to the personas. What would you like to add to (or change) the barriers and why? 8. The personas describe what that mental health nurse needs. Which needs do you most identify with? And why? Go back to the personas for this. What would you like to add to (or change) the needs? And why? 9. In the personas, several suggestions for interventions are described. Which suggestions for interventions do you most identify? And why? Are these interventions relevant and useful in your work with clients with a psychotic disorder, and why? Go back to the personas for this. What would you like to add to (or adjust) the interventions? Are these interventions relevant and usable in your work with clients with a psychotic disorder and why? 10. The personas describe various site conditions. In which site conditions do you recognize yourself the most? And why? To do this, go back to the personas. What would you like to add to (or change) the site conditions? And why? 11. What do you currently offer in terms of oral health care within your team? If nothing is available, what would you like to start with? 12. What would you personally need in terms of knowledge, skills, or tools to pay more attention to oral health? 13. What would you like to see happen so that in a few years, all MHNs will be paying attention to the oral care of their clients?