Sonja Kuipers

167 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder Appendix G Table A3. Prevalence of Answers on Elements of Personas Given by MHNs. Questions Anna Monica Julia Paul The personas describe the barriers experienced by MHNs. Which barriers do you recognize most? * Patients not motivated Patients have no dental aids and insurance No focus on oral health Time constraints n = 14 n = 11 n = 9 n = 9 Psychiatric care is prioritized Oral health is not included in patient treatment plans Not aware of the importance of oral care Not knowing what information should be offered to patients n = 13 n = 14 n = 2 n = 15 There has not been any coordination regarding oral health (or any physical issues) Feeling uncomfortable discussing oral care n = 12 n = 9 Patients often felt unsure Not know how to integrate this into patient care Not know how to advise patients n = 9 n = 6 n = 9 6