Sonja Kuipers

169 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder Table A3. Prevalence of Answers on Elements of Personas Given by MHNs. (continued) Questions Anna Monica Julia Paul With which suggestions for interventions do you most identify? * Oral health screening should be included in patients’ medical histories and then integrated into the treatment plan. A digital decision tree Leaflets and posters with information n = 13 n = 2 n = 7 Training in oral care for nurses Leaflets and posters with information for nurses and patients Oral care screening list n = 11 n = 13 More coordination among the nursing team Additional education to promote better oral health and oral hygiene Leaflets and posters with information for nurses and patients An oral care screening list Short 2 min videos regarding oral health n = 10 n = 5 n = 7 n = 13 n = 2 A digital screening app focused on oral care including advice on oral care in different situations (e.g., applying a decision tree) n = 2 6