Sonja Kuipers

177 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder first increase their sensitisation regarding oral health care in their patients. Developing a supportive tool based on the Prochaska and DiClemente model involves understanding the nuances. The aim of this study was to develop a supportive tool for MHNs regarding oral health to increase their sensitisation and provide them with the knowledge to recognise potential oral health problems in patients with psychotic disorders. Methods Study Design For this study, a qualitative human-centred design (HCD) approach was used to develop a tool that serves the dual purpose of raising sensitisation among MHNs and providing them with the knowledge to recognise oral health problems in patients with psychotic disorders. One widely recognised HCD framework for innovative design projects is the double diamond (DD) framework (Figure 1), originally devised by the Design Council [24]. This double diamond framework directs problem-solving thought processes within the HCD methodology. In the context of the present study, the focus was primarily on the “develop” and “deliver” phases of the DD framework, with the overarching objective of creating a tool that would effectively address key problem area [26], i.e., increase sensitisation and knowledge among end users, in this case, MHNs. The HCD approach utilised in this initiative, characterised by its participatory and iterative nature, departs from conventional methodologies by involving close collaboration between MHNs and experts by experience to gain a better understanding of patients’ specific needs, which enables the design of tailored tools and provides MHNs with a significant role in guiding the development of solutions. Tools targeting MHNs were also indirectly linked to tools targeting patients with psychotic disorders. Therefore, the involvement of experts by experience was imperative to represent the patient perspective. Within the framework of this study, we employed three iterations (the first focused on developing the multi-criteria decision matrix (MCDM), the second aimed at creating an oral health tool for MHNs, and the third aimed at evaluating the feasibility of the oral health tool for MHNs). 6