Sonja Kuipers

178 Chapter 6 The iterative stages and data collection activities within the DD research process are depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1. The iterative human-centred design stages and data collection activities used in the second diamond of the double diamond model from the Design Council [24], adapted with permission from van ‘t Veer et al. [25]. Study Population For step 1a in our research process (pressure cooker focus group session), we recruited nine participants (four MHNs and five experts). To achieve maximum variation in our sample, participants were selected based on purposive sampling by the research team based on their knowledge and experience with patients with psychotic disorders and/or oral health problems. Participants were approached by e-mail, telephone, or face-to-face. For this focus group session, we included four professionals: one master’s-level advanced nurse practitioner and three bachelor’s-level MHNs, based on their knowledge of and experience with patients with psychotic disorders. Furthermore, we included five other specialists: an oral health hygienist who also had a master’s in health innovation was included based on her knowledge of and experience with oral health and human-centred design;