Sonja Kuipers

183 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder of tools were discussed as they related to our research questions. Quotes were added to the themes to provide a rich description. The outcomes that emerged from the focus group were used for the MCDM. All data were analysed using Atlas TI version 9 ( In step 2b, a quantitative descriptive analysis of the numerical data derived from the MCDM was performed. Unweighted means were calculated for each participant and each design criterion. Ultimately, these were calculated for each tool. Finally, the full range of options and their cumulative scores were thoroughly discussed (by SK, JV, and NB), culminating in decisions made regarding the tool to be developed. In step 3b, the results of the semi-structured interviews were deductively analysed using the steps of the thematic analysis (see step 1b) [32]. The results were presented based on the different aspects of feasibility. The key themes of acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality, integration, and efficacy were defined a priori for the analysis in step 3a. Ethical Considerations Standard rules governing good clinical practice and ethical principles, originating from the Declaration of Helsinki, were adhered to by informing all participants about the study and their rights and obtaining written informed consent from all subjects [28]. This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the independent Ethics Committee of the Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden (RTPO1173, 21 December 2023) Permission for this research was obtained from the scientific research committees within the organisations KieN Early Intervention Service (Leeuwarden), Lentis Psychiatric Institute (Groningen), Dimence psychiatric services (Zwolle), and Friesland Mental Health Care Services (Leeuwarden), the Netherlands. In compliance with international safety regulations for data retention, all data from the design sessions will be stored for a period of 10 years at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and will only be accessible to three of the authors (SK, NB, and JV). 6