Sonja Kuipers

185 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder Table 1. Characteristics of professionals and experts included in steps 1 and 2 (n = 10). Part Profession Male/ Female Age in Years Education Years of Working Experience Focus Group 1 Communication specialist/content maker/expert by experience 1 Male 31 Central Institute for Training Sports Leaders 5–9 1 2 Mental health nurse (flexible assertive community treatment) Male 27 Bachelor of Nursing 0–4 1 3 Education and research consultant Female 48 Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Educational Sciences 0–4 1 4 Lecturer in nursing research and mental health nurse Female 53 Ph.D. student, Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Social Work, Master of Health Care 10–14 1 5 Oral health hygienist Female 25 Bachelor of Oral Health Hygiene, Master of Health Innovation 0–4 1 6 * Master’s-level advanced nurse practitioner Female 47 Ph.D., Master of Advanced Nursing Practice >24 2 7 Team leader of Academy of Health and Out of the Box Thinking Female 52 Bachelor of Movement Sciences 5–9 2 8 * Mental health nurse (outpatients) Female 50 Bachelor of Nursing >24 2 9 Expert by experience Female 32 Student, Bachelor of Social Work 0–4 2 10 * Expert by experience 2 Male 48 Associate degree for Expert by Experience 5–9 N/A 1 This expert by experience (5) did participate in the focus groups but did not participate in the decision matrix. 2 This expert by experience (10) did not participate in the focus groups but did participate in the decision matrix. * Participants were also engaged in earlier studies [21]. 6