Sonja Kuipers

186 Chapter 6 Participants asserted that MHNs do receive information about toothbrushing during their education, but it ends there. The dental hygienist pointed out the importance of background information. It is crucial for MHNs to have background knowledge. Furthermore, MHNs reported not always being aware of what to do in case of a dry mouth or when patients are unwilling or unable to brush their teeth. MHNs indicated that they are caught up in daily routines and pay little attention to patients’ dental health. Some MHNs did encounter issues but found it challenging to discuss them with patients. “For example, I also have a patient, and when I speak with her, I can see that she has a lot of dirt and plaque on her teeth. I discuss it with her every time, but she keeps saying, ‘No, it’s going well, and I will go to the dentist,’ and I find that challenging. I try to bring up the topic of oral care again. However, I notice that she gets annoyed when I discuss it repeatedly.” (Participant 6, MHN) Key theme 2: Preferred oral health tools, focusing on MHNs working with patients with psychotic disorders Participants discussed the tools that should be developed for MHNs to be sensitive in their support of patients maintaining and improving their oral health. However, they also mentioned that tools targeted at MHNs are also indirectly linked to tools aimed at patients with psychotic disorders and vice versa. “If MHNs do not have a clear understanding of the background of tools targeting patients with a psychotic disorder, MHNs cannot address, advise, or monitor them effectively.” (Participant 4, MHN/lecturer) In both focus groups, a wide range of tools to support MHNs in maintaining oral health in patients with psychotic disorders was suggested. MHNs stated that it is their responsibility to remind patients about daily routines, as mere verbal reminders may not prompt action from patients. Participants suggested developing a reminder in the form of a sticker that patients can place on a mirror (tool 3). Indirectly, MHNs will also see this and then address the issue. Par-