Sonja Kuipers

19 General introduction Part I. Experiences of oral health in psychosis • How have patients found their oral health after FEP, and what needs do they have regarding oral health (Chapter 2)? • Which oral health risk factors do patients with a first-episode psychosis experience? How do they perceive their oral health-related quality of life compared to individuals without a history of psychotic disorder (Chapter 3)? Part II. State of the art • Which oral health interventions aiming to improve oral health in patients with a mental health disorder are described in the existing literature (Chapter 4)? Part III. The development of a supportive oral health nursing intervention • What are the attitudes, barriers, needs, and suggestions for the interventions of MHNs in providing support for maintaining and increasing oral health in patients with a psychotic disorder (Chapter 5)? • Which supportive tool can be developed for MHNs regarding the recognition of potential oral health problems in patients with psychotic disorders (Chapter 6)? • How feasible is the implementation of the developed supportive tool for MHNs in the context of care for patients with a psychotic disorder (Chapter 6)? 1