Sonja Kuipers

192 Chapter 6 Development of the Brochure with Awareness Screener and the Outcomes of the Feasibility Test: Step 3 Development of the Brochure with Awareness Screener As part of a larger toolkit, and based on the highest mean scores, the research team decided to start developing a brochure for MHNs, and the research team elected to incorporate an awareness screener into the brochure as this could provide a tangible way to facilitate dialogue. The brochure with an awareness screener was developed as a low-fidelity prototype based on the latest scientific insights from the literature (by SK, NB, and SB). The brochure was developed after the MCDC. The content of the brochure covered the following: 1. Introduction: The Importance of Good Oral Health; 2. Psychological and Social Complaints | Stigma; 3. Physical Complaints; 4. Risk Factors; 5. Nutrition; 6. Medications, Side Effects, and their Impact on Dental Health; 7. Problems in the Mouth; 8. Advice: What Advice Can You Give Your Patients?; 9. Awareness Screener (Appendices D and E). The perceived advantage of a brochure is that it can provide a foundational knowledge base which creates sensitisation, enabling MHNs to engage in conversations with patients with psychotic disorders. Furthermore, it is beneficial for MHNs to go through and complete the awareness screener together with their patients. By incorporating a visual analogue scale (VAS) [34] into the awareness screener, care actively involves patients, potentially enhancing the integration of oral health care into routine nursing practices. Outcomes Feasibility Test Step 3a took place in November 2023. For the semi-structured interviews (n = 19), 12 professionals and seven experts by experience were included. The total group consisted of 12 women and five men; their ages ranged between 27 and 58 years. Participant characteristics (gender, age, profession, educational level, years of working experience, working with in- or outpatients) are given in Appendix C. Each session had a duration of 30–90 min. The results were analysed in terms of different aspects of feasibility: acceptability, demand, implementation, practicality, integration, and efficacy [30].