Sonja Kuipers

193 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder Acceptability All participants expressed high satisfaction with the brochure (Appendices D and E). The feedback characterised it as clear, engaging, pertinent, aesthetically pleasing, well organised, and informative, particularly regarding aspects previously unknown to nursing professionals. Participants said it was commendable that this now exists and receives attention. All participants thoroughly scrutinised the brochure along with the awareness screener. Most of them also reviewed the brochure and screener with their colleagues, and two participants reviewed them with a patient. The discussions covered their findings and, based on their input, the content of the brochure was revised accordingly (Appendices D and E). The brochure included the following sections: (1) Introduction: The Importance of Good Oral Health; (2) Psychological and Social Complaints | Stigma; (3) Physical Complaints; (4) Risk Factors; (5) Nutrition; (6) Medications, Side Effects, and their Impact on Dental Health; (7) Problems in the Mouth; (8) Advice: What Advice Can You Give Your Patients?; and (9) Awareness Screener. Participants held various views regarding the language that should be used in a brochure. Two participants thought that the brochure was written in an overly complex manner and thus might be inaccessible to MHNs. They indicated that it primarily concerns others and not themselves. Two participants thought that the language was too simplistic. Other participants found the language to be well tailored to their needs. All participants said the brochure was highly effective at fostering sensitisation. In particular, the visual analogue scale (VAS), part of the awareness screener, was well suited for this purpose. The VAS is a psychometric measurement tool comprising a linear scale with opposing statements at each end. By asking patients about their satisfaction with their oral care and how they perceive their dental hygiene practices, the scale offered opportunities to initiate dialogue. Participants stated that the brochure could prompt reflection and moments of realisation among nursing professionals. 6