Sonja Kuipers

196 Chapter 6 and toothpaste. Participants reported that it is not uncommon for patients to lack these essentials due to their illness. Almost all experts by experience perceived a distinct role for themselves in initiating discussions about oral care with patients. Experts by experience could also serve as intermediaries between patients and MHNs. In the context of recovery-oriented care, once a patient’s initial crisis has passed, it would be feasible for experts by experience to broach the topic. Practicality Most participants indicated that there are likely to be no negative effects. However, two participants acknowledged that some MHNs might express reluctance; one remarked, “Oh, now there’s something else added to our plate, as if we don’t have enough to do already” (Participant 1, social psychiatric nurse). All participants believed that the brochure was not complex in content and could effectively inform patients. It is expected that MHNs will be able to translate the information from the brochure to meet the specific needs of individual patients. “Precisely because the brochure effectively emphasizes the importance of oral care, it leads to an increased sensitization among nursing professionals about their role in oral health, making it difficult for them to overlook this aspect any longer.” (Participant 8, mental health nurse and somatic screening practitioner) The costs were discussed with the participants. No participants (MHNs and experts by experience) expected the implementation of this brochure to incur a high cost. One participant said the following: “Health insurance providers should ideally include preventative oral care in their basic coverage plans. It is peculiar that while lifestyle programs for overweight individuals are offered at no cost, dental care does not receive the same treatment. This is a significant issue, as proper oral care is equally vital for overall health.” (Participant 5, advanced nurse practitioner) Among the participants, three had a Bachelor of Business Administration in business economics (participants 6, 12, and 17). As the costs were discussed, these