Sonja Kuipers

197 The Development of an Oral Health Nursing Tool in Patients with a Psychotic Disorder participants asserted that oral care should be an integral part of the daily responsibilities of mental health nurses (MHNs) and that they should actively engage in it. When it comes to training personnel, such as with a clinical lesson, this does involve some staff hours. “Another important consideration involves key stakeholders, e.g., health insurers. Given the significant costs associated with oral care, particularly for uninsured individuals, it may be prudent to seek contributions from them. Addressing oral care is relevant not only from a health perspective but also from a business standpoint. Additionally, poor dental health can lead to embarrassment and social withdrawal, hindering participation in society and employment opportunities. This is where local governments can also play a role, potentially by subsidizing costs.” (Participant 12, master’s student in advanced nursing) Integration The sustainability of the brochure was a recurrent theme in all discussions. To ensure enduring impact, it is crucial to have an accompanying clinical lesson. Furthermore, participants deemed it important to have a staff member (or innovator) within a department or organisation acting as a driving force to conduct the clinical lessons and ensure that the topic is discussed during team meetings. During the discussions, the concept emerged of developing a “train the trainer” programme for oral health in mental health. Ownership of a topic is important for motivation and stimulation and can be a point of contact. “Nurses who take ownership of a specific topic tend to work with greater dedication and enthusiasm.” (Participant 12, master’s student in advanced nursing) Efficacy All participants agreed that the brochure, accompanied by an awareness screener, contributes to MHNs’ sensitisation and knowledge regarding oral health. Additionally, it can help provide education to patients, thereby facilitating discussions about oral care. Whether this will be achieved depends on the implementation, which is the foundation for everything else. More than half of the participants stated that it is crucial to discuss the brochure with patients so that MHNs can tailor the content of the education to meet the 6