Sonja Kuipers

198 Chapter 6 needs of the individual patient. This implies that, with adequate attention paid to implementation, a certain degree of efficacy might also be anticipated. All participants acknowledged a renewed sensitisation of the importance of oral care and affirmed that they will certainly incorporate and apply this knowledge from now on when the situation requires it. Discussion This study is part of a larger research project aimed at developing a toolkit comprising various tools for MHNs and oral care. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study with a human-centred scientific approach involving a collaboration between MHNs and experts by experience to develop a tool that serves the dual purpose of (1) raising sensitisation among MHNs and (2) equipping them with knowledge on maintaining oral health in patients with psychotic disorders. The results of the discussions with MHNs show the following: (1) Of the 15 suggested tools, a brochure with an awareness screener regarding oral health in patients with psychotic disorders is considered the most feasible that would contribute to the sensitisation and knowledge of MHNs. (2) Significant additions to the brochure would include a clinical lesson and the provision of materials (such as a toothbrush and toothpaste) to ensure that all patients are able to follow up on the given advice. (3) There are diverging opinions concerning the applicability of the brochure among various populations of patients. (4) There are different preferences regarding the level of the language in which the brochure for MHNs should be written. (5) The costs of oral health prevention (e.g., materials and dental hygienist visits) might be significant, and usually fall to patients who, in many cases, cannot afford it. To elaborate on the first finding, in the pressure cooker session, MHNs and experts by experience identified 15 tools as essential to have in a toolkit for initiating oral care activities. Based on the MCDM, a brochure with an awareness screener regarding oral health in patients with psychotic disorders was the most appropriate tool to start with. This is in line with our earlier research, in which we found that MHNs need more education to effectively include physical health promotion (such as oral health) in their activities [21]. Barik et al. [36] found that traditional health promotion media such as brochures are useful, especially for adults. As part of a