Sonja Kuipers

218 Chapter 6 and those affected should take action to get the gums healthy again. The cause of inflamed gums is plaque, so keeping the mouth clean is crucial. • Gum inflammation (Periodontitis). Periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum inflammation. Because the inflammation has been in the mouth for some time, it easily spreads from the gums to the jawbone beneath. This results in the loss of jawbone around the teeth and molars. Deep spaces form under the gums where plaque and tartar accumulate, known as pockets. These pockets need to be cleaned by a dental hygienist to heal the gums. • Bad breath (Halitosis). In most cases, bad breath originates in the oral cavity, usually due to insufficient oral hygiene and gum inflammation. Sometimes, certain bacteria remaining on the back of the tongue can cause bad breath. Brushing or scraping the tongue with a tongue scraper can be a solution, supplemented with a special antibacterial mouthwash. Chewing gum, mouthwash, or mouth spray can mask the odor, but beware, they do not remove the cause of the bad breath. • Tooth enamel erosion (tooth erosion). All foods and drinks contain acids that can harm the teeth, like soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and iced tea. Black coffee, unsweetened tea, water, and milk contain less acid. The acids from our food soften the enamel and cause tooth and gum erosion. Unfortunately, tooth erosion only becomes visible in an advanced stage when the teeth are already severely damaged. Advice: What advice can you give your patients? • Brush the teeth twice a day. This can be done with a regular or electric toothbrush. Use a soft brush head. Brushing should be done before going to bed and at least once during the day. • Use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and makes the enamel less soluble. This better protects the teeth against acids and sugars from food and drinks, reducing the likelihood of cavities. • Brush thoroughly. It is important to brush thoroughly without damaging the teeth or gums. Ensure that all parts of the teeth (back, front, sides, and top) are cleaned. • Clean daily between teeth and molars using floss/interdental brushes/toothpicks. It is important to make time for this daily. Daily flossing/use of interdental